Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What is Disney Bounding?

Disney Bounding

The easiest way to understand "disney bounding" is dressing up in normal clothing that is inspired by a character! There is a whole blog dedicated to ideas for many different characters. That blog is http://disneybound.co ! We have a picture from Disneybound.co of a Mushu inspired disney bound. Mushu is the red dragon in the artwork for those who don't know!

source: https://tmblr.co/Zn-yax2Di9UQh

Disney bounding isn't complicated as it may seem. You can pull from your own closet, or you can get innovative and create your own looks.

source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/179440366381785240/

The neat thing about "disney bounding" you're not limited to Disney characters! I've seen many disney bounders dress up as their favorite cartoon or anime characters. It's a great way to dress up, and not be over the top. Just use your imagination and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Who knew that Cosplay or Disney Bounding!! That was really interesting. I can see that children would want to dress up but I am amazed that adults would be doing that also! Thanks for sharing this information.
