Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What is cosplay?


Cosplay is dressing up like your favorite character. These characters can be from animes, comic books, tv shows, video games, and movies. Cosplayers try to get as close to the original character as they humanly can. Here we have Elsa and Anna from the movie Frozen. 

source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/210613720050429664/

Cosplaying is a lot harder then disney bounding. It takes a lot of craftsmanship and a lot of patience to get the look you are trying to go for. There are many tutorials, and how to dos online. Once you get that look you're going for.. you just have to remember to have fun! 

What is Disney Bounding?

Disney Bounding

The easiest way to understand "disney bounding" is dressing up in normal clothing that is inspired by a character! There is a whole blog dedicated to ideas for many different characters. That blog is http://disneybound.co ! We have a picture from Disneybound.co of a Mushu inspired disney bound. Mushu is the red dragon in the artwork for those who don't know!

source: https://tmblr.co/Zn-yax2Di9UQh

Disney bounding isn't complicated as it may seem. You can pull from your own closet, or you can get innovative and create your own looks.

source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/179440366381785240/

The neat thing about "disney bounding" you're not limited to Disney characters! I've seen many disney bounders dress up as their favorite cartoon or anime characters. It's a great way to dress up, and not be over the top. Just use your imagination and have fun!